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When To Go

Tanzania has 2 main seasons - the dry season from June to October. During this time there is little or no rainfall. The wet season from November to May, with the heaviest of the rains between March and May.

Dry Season
Because there is little or no rain, this is usually the best time to spot animals as they congregate near the waterholes and rivers. The wildebeest migration also takes place in the Serengeti during June and July.

It is likely that there are also fewer mosquitos at this time of year as there is less rainfall.

The weather is hot during the day, but can be cool first thing in the morning or after dark.

Wet Season
The wettest time of year is usually between March and May with some of the parks in the south and west closing during this period. The parks in the North remain open.

This is the best time to see migratory birds so a popular time to visit for bird watchers.

January and February is calving season in the Serengeti .

What To Do
When To Go
Getting There
Travel Advice
Tanzania & Zanzibar