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Tanzania Holidays Specialist Travel Agent

Tanzania is the 13th largest country in Africa sharing its borders with 8 other countries including Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.

It is also home to Africa's highest point, mount Kilimanjaro, and its lowest point, Lake Tanganyika.

Nearly 40% of Tanzania's land area is protected for conservation and it has no fewer than 16 National Parks. It will therefore come as no surprise that Tanzania is home to 20% of Africa's larger mammals making it a great destination for safaris.

Probably the most famous Park is the Serengeti which is in the north of the country and is shared with neighbouring Kenya. To the south is the Selous Game reserve, which is less well travelled but is actually the biggest game reserve in Africa.

Less well known are the parks in the west of Tanzania. Ruaha is less well travelled, ideal for those who want to experience something a little more off the beaten track. If you want to travel even further west, then the place to go is Mahale which is on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. The Mahale Mountains National Park offers you the chance to view chimpanzees and a variety of monkey species in their natural habitat.

The vast and stunningly beautiful savannahs offer a plethora of wildlife, from the large migratory herds such as wildebeest, zebra, antelope and buffalo to the big cats, hippo and the always elegant elephants and giraffe.

To Note: Effective 1 June 2019 the Tanzanian Government has introduced a ban on plastic. The ban applies to all plastic carrier bags, regardless of their thickness. Visitors to Tanzania are advised to avoid carrying plastic bags or packing plastic carrier bags or items in plastic carrier bags in your suitcase or hand luggage. A special desk will be designated at all entry points for surrender of plastic bags that visitors maybe bringing in the country.

However, plastic or plastic packaging for medical services, foodstuff,sanitary and waste management are not prohibited. In addition, plastic carrier items known as Ziploc bags that are specifically used to carry toiletries will be permitted as they are expected to remain in the permanent possession of visitors and are not expected to be disposed in the country.
What To Do
When To Go
Getting There
Travel Advice
Tanzania & Zanzibar