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Southern Circuit

The Selous in the South of Tanzania is the biggest game reserve in Africa. Combined with a lack of crowds in comparison to the North, you have approximately 50,000 square kilometres of largely interrupted views over huge savannahs and an abundance of wildlife.

The Selous also benefits from having the Rufiji river running through the reserve. The river is a great place to view wildlife, especially during the dry season when the animals all gravitate to its shores in search of water. The river also offers those travelling there the opportunity to enjoy boating safaris where you can see water based animals, such as hippos and crocodiles up close and personal.

For the more courageous, you can also undertake walking safaris in the Selous, not something you can do in the north.

There are a number of airstrips that service the Selous, but commonly used is Stiegler's Gorge which is about a 45 minute flight from Dar Es Salaam.
Northern Circuit
Southern Circuit
Mahale Mountains