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Ngorongoro Crater & Conservation Area

The Ngorongoro Crater sinks to a depth of 610 metres with a base area covering 260 square kilometres. The rim of the crater is a staggering 2,286 metres above sea level.

Ngorongoro is also home to two other craters: Olmoti and Empakai. Olmoti is famous for its stunning waterfalls and Empakai has a deep lake with lush green walls.

It is estimated that the area contains over 25,000 large animals, including the rare black rhinoceros and the densest known population of lions. Other animals found in abundance include, wildebeests, zebras, eland and Grant's and Thomson's gazelles.
Kilimanjaro National Park
Ngorongoro Crater & Conservation Area
Serengeti National Park
Arusha National Park
Tarangire National Park
Lake Manyara National Park