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Saint Felix

The area of Saint Felix is reputed to have some of the most beautiful beaches in Southern Mauritius.

The long stretches of white sand against a back drop of dense vegetation makes this area a lovely place to wile away the day. Whilst the beaches may offer calm and solace, unfortunately swimming is not advised due to strong ocean currents.

Along the coast from Saint Felix is the area of Pointe aux Roches. Full of rugged beaches beautiful to look at but again not safe for swimming. Just off Pointe aux Roches is Baie du Jacotet and the Ilot Sancho. The small island was the site of a skirmish between the British and the French in the early 1800's. The French battery located on the islet was captured with one of the French colonists there taken capture and ransomed in return for supplies. Legend has it that treasure is buried on the island, but to date none has been discovered.
Grand Baie
Pamplemousses Gardens
Aventure Du Sucre
Port Louis
Horse Racing
Domaine Les Pailles
Casela Adventure Park
Chamarel Rhumerie
Seven Coloured Earth
Black River Gorges Park
Grand Bassin
Le Morne
Crocodile Park
Saint Felix
Rochester Falls
St Aubin & Tea Road
Blue Bay Marine Park
Iles Des Deux Cocos
Ile Aux Aigrettes
Domaine De LEtoile
Trou Aux Cerfs