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Pamplemousses Gardens

The Royal Botanic Gardens in Pamplemousses were started in 1735 by Governor Mahe de La Bourdonnais as a vegetable patch for his Mon Plaisir Chateau. In 1768 and in a bid to introduce spices, the grounds were then improved by the French horticulturalist Pierre Poivre. Unfortunately they then fell into neglect until in 1849, British horticulturist James Duncan took them over and they became what they are today.

These modest by well kept gardens are a highlight of a visit to Mauritius. Though there are few flowers inside, one key attraction is the park's giant Victoria regia water lilies, native to the Amazon. From the centre of a huge pad, the lily's flower opens white one day and closes red the next. Other attractions include golden bamboo, chewing gum trees, fish poison trees, a 200 year old Buddha tree and a cross tree with leaves shaped like crucifixes. The fragrant flora of the garden, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, camphor and sandalwood is also another high point, as are the glimpses of Mauritian wildlife that are all but unavailable elsewhere on the island. Look for enclosures of Java deer and giant tortoises. There is also an art gallery and a cemetery.
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Pamplemousses Gardens
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