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When To Go

The weather in Abu Dhabi can be divided into 4 seasons:

November to March - This is winter in Abu Dhabi and the most popular time to travel as temperatures are moderate and manageable. Daytime temperatures range from around 23 or 24 degrees climbing to around 27 or 28 degrees.

April and May - Spring time and temperatures are starting to rise, climbing to around 30 or 31 degrees.

June to August - Summer time and the hottest months of the year. Temperatures often exceed 40 degrees to care should be taken if you are planning to visit during this period. High temperatures can mean lower hotel costs, so if you can bear the heat this is the time you may be able to get a bargain.

September and October - Autumn and temperatures start to fall again making it more bearable. There may still be some bargains to be had before prices start to rise in preparation for the winter (high) season.
Abu Dhabi
What To Do
When To Go
Getting There
Travel Advice
Twin Centre Holidays